Gabrielle Christianson - Public Health Nurse , Licensed School Nurse, Director of Health Services – Overall responsibility of health services for ISD 2142. Providing direct nursing services at Cherry School and South Ridge School. Also providing nursing services at the Northland Learning Center in Virginia, MN. Contact Info:

Teila Nelson, PHN, Licensed School Nurse – responsible for direct services at Northeast Range, Tower-Soudan and North Woods Contact info:

If your child is ill, please contact your School Office by 9:00AM and let them know that your child will be absent. The secretary can let your child’s teacher(s) know of your child’s absence. You may request classwork to be collected throughout the day, if necessary, to be picked up later that day.

ISD 2142 District policy allows students to turn in late work within 2 days after returning to school at no penalty. If you have concerns please talk to the School Nurse at your local school.